God forbid this should be true!
An Indian Ambassador was allowed to meet Bose -- on the condition that he would not try to speak to him. When the Ambassador wondered about what to do in case Bose wished to speak to him, "he was told that it has been taken care of," … A rather ominous bit of hospitality. -- Reported in Hindustan Times dated 4 March 2001.

But when a well-known researcher contacted Mikhael Gorbachev, the former premier evaded a direct answer, and is alleged to have said it was up to both governments (Russia and India) to solve the issue once and for all.
A former head of the Foreign Security Service (the old KGB) has indicated to a prominent researcher that files in Russian archives do contain detailed information -- but the onus is on the Indian Government to show more interest.
Have you lately been tormented by the fate that befell Subhas Chandra Bose? Could you picture him as a captive in a Siberian gulag, while he is presumed dead by fellow Indians? India's biggest nightmare involving the biggest names isn't over as yet. The recent inquiry of Mukherjee Commission confirmed that the story of Netaji's death in a plane crash was a camouflage for his escape to the Soviet Russia. And what was the Government's reaction to this finding of a reputed ex-judge of the Supreme Court of India? Steeped in premeditated views, they summarily dismissed it. And not many voices were raised.
Doesn't this outrage you? Is this the way to handle the matter of the life and death of the man Gandhiji called 'Prince among Patriots'? Is passage of time any excuse for condoning gross injustice? After what Subhas did for us, wouldn't we be displaying ungratefulness taking things lying down?
Oh, don't you think this concerns Bose only. Modern India's longest running political controversy has had some terrible spillovers. If a shiver hasn't gone down your spine already, see this old clipping:

Shyam Lal Jain, the confidential secretary of Asaf Ali, who was the secretary to INA Defence Committee told the Khosla Commission under oath that on 26 or 27 December 1945 he was summoned to Ali's residence by Nehru. Jain alleged that Pandit Nehru had asked him make typed copies of a hand- written note that said Bose had reached Russia via Diren. He also alleged that Pandit Nehru asked him to type a letter to British Prime Minister Atlee, that " Bose, your war criminal, has been allowed to enter Russian territory by Stalin. This is a clear treachery and betrayal of faith by Russians, as Russia has been an ally of the British-Americans. Please take note of it and do what you consider proper and fit." Though this information was not challenged before the Commission, Justice Khosla chose not to attach any importance to it. One wonders why.
The sacred memory of revered national icons must not be allowed to be tarnished by conspiracy theorists. So, let's set aside our prejudices and invoke our national credo - Satyamev Jayate. Let's have the unadulterated truth, so that myths may be dispelled. A group of regular guys have mounted a campaign to make the best of a now-or-never opportunity. Because letting it pass could mean going along with the sin of leaving out in cold a man who fought for India.
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»Way to go!
nice blog. keept it up.
Jo Raah Tumne Dikhaayi Thi Darmiyaan Hai Abhi
Sitaare Doob Chale Ho... Sahar Kahaan Hai Abhi
May some man of character become our PM to do justice with the greatest son of the Motherland.
Blogging is one of the best medium to create awareness on the issue of Netaji's mystery. I am overwhelmed to see this blog. It would give you a platform to interact with persons who are really interested to know and co-operate on the issue.
My best wishes are always with the efforts of MN.
Hey tat's a wonderful piece of write up.....I really appreciate it....I tried to create some consciousness through my rediff blog but it didn't really help much...People are too busy with their own issue and I was a bit disappointed by the apathy of people towards such a cause..anyways don't know who you are but I can assure you one thing"I am with you".I want justice for Netaji..We can't and we shouldn't let go the injustice done to him just like that. We'll have to rise and ask for justice and do our duty towards this Great Son of our Motherland.
Jai Hind
thanks for yr write-up...
these rumours have been around for a long long time and those of us who have loved netaji have always known it to be true.
we need more articles like these so that we indians realize what a mistake it was to trust the likes of gandhi...
I don't find these shocking at all. So far whatever the GOI has did and said about Subhash is a sacrilege to the word "shocking" as well!!!. And what else can we expect from a Govt. that is based on the pillars of "lie" and "deception". It is not enough to be on papers and in the pages of history books as they are meant to be forgotten after exams. Netaji is a concept more than an individual and so it remains- even if it is changed the "parent" point has to remain. And yes, the GOI can't even accept Netaji's presence in the record books as they are already fighting against his presence in the heart of true "human beings" in their desperate urge to save their "shameless" faces. As a follower of Netaji I would prefer him not to remain in GOI records for obvious reasons as that would mean disrespecting HIM.
Good Mr. Dhara. It is very necesaroy for all Indian to Know about Subhash Chander bose.
Congratulation for nice job
Cudos to Mr. Anuj Dhar for all these. Please plese visit http://www.missionnetaji.org for further details on Netaji
How long Government of India will surpress truth? Time has come for every Indian to raise voice against injustice done towards Netaji.
The day true information and historical facts about netaji's disappearance is given no one will be able to read that out without having tears in their eyes. Everyone who were adults in that period know that Nehru and Gandhi had already arranged for handing him over. KGB and CIA were always interested in him because of many reasons. I ASSURE THE DAY WHEN THE TRUTH IS OUT THE WHOLE NATION WILL BE STUNNED ....my greatest appreciation for brother Anuj great job and keep going APPEAL TO ALL OTHERS THAT PEOPLE SHOULD FEEL ABOUT SUBASH NOW OR ELSE THE FUTURE WONT SPARE US.
you are right shiv da
The day true information and historical facts about netaji's disappearance is given no one will be able to read that out without having tears in their eyes.
I dont know if at any day the real truth will come because it will nail some big names of india. It will also lid to some very naked truth of our independence. But what we must do is to spread the awareness for which Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose lived for i.e. an india which is strong and powerful and at the same time devoid of any corruption and poor. My appeal to all indians is to read the books by Netaji himself. I only can say that if Netaji could be there and bring independence in his method, India would have been a different place to live in with no corruption and no infighting.
real truth never come.........
Really don't know what to believe in this issue. The very fact that this issue has always remained a mystery makes me feel that there is something really really fishy about it. I really doubt if we will be able to know the truth ever in our lives.
Now the situation is very much clear, govt. doesn't want to give much coverage to NETAJI because they may loose their socalled great leaders face.
Keep it up, we will soon get success.
that is a great work. we must find out the truth.
Netaji was the greatest hero for the Indian freedom struggle. And he deserves acknowledgement from our Government.
which newspaper published the Gandhi story?
In our indian system its impossible that the truth comes out.
gandhi and nehru are fully responsible for today's india.
it is too bad that nehru and gandhi did all these bad things to our national hero
Anuj Ji keep going. we are with you.. World has to know about the great leader who dedicated his thoughts & soul to motherland.
'JAIHIND' this word has the power to bring all the truth.
Great are the ones` who hide the facts and what mission they were upto-remains a question.Someone said it is in interest of Nation to keep quiet on subject.Any agreement between Congress rulers with other countries should be made public.In fact -that will be in the best interest.
Remembering Bose and his vision is a matter of proud.All honours to him .
The way, the truth has been and would be suppressed in future too, there seems to be a remote possibility of it ever seeing the LIGHT. To expect that future Government of any party would try to re-investigate the facts despite plethora of documentation done by enterprising young team of MISSION NETAJI is a far off cry. Atal's Government appointed the Commission but the LEFT backed Congress regime seems to bury the matter. Regarding a future PM of ‘guts’, there is no chance for a couple of decades - in view of prevailing COALITION Raj vote-bank politics, we can all pray only. In due course people with direct information in India and abroad still alive, would perish with the information intact in their hearts. Vinod Tuli
This is a fantastic effort by the MN team.However, with the state of affairs in our country, I sincerely doubt whether the Govt. if India will ever come out with the truth. During the NDA govt. under Mr.Bajpayee,a lot was expected to be revealed, but as always someone somewhere managaged to hush up the case.Even with the RTI act in force, the govt. of India (for that matter any govt.) will always fall back on some clauses to take the escape route and bury this controversy for ever.
Silencing Bose was definitely a plot laid by a faction of the Congress led by Nehru and others to cling to power. Gandhi was unwillingly made an accomplice who realised his folly towards the end of his life. Remember he lamented during partition-" Aj mera beta Subhas hota to eisa nehi hota" and always missed his support till the day he died.
I think, first we have to finish all the gandhi's (who are moving around power) like their predesessor (Indira & Rajiv). Then only we can see the light.
I am sorry for my previous comment. I Apologize for this. It was came out from excitement. I am requesting to remove the above comment from here.
The Nehru family has raped india for ages and are directly involved with the dissapearance of Netaji.
I wish I could know the truth before I die. All through my life I have believed that someone somewhere did something to silence this great son of India. And ringmaster of the conspiracy would in all probability be Jawahar Lal Nehru.
The saga of Netaji is testimony to the character of the people of India...it is no use blaming Nehru and their ilk...its the people's character that is reflected by the sordid story of deception of a nation's hero by its own people...if 10% of our population were to demand the truth do you think the GOI would have rhe guts to deny it...we are to blame and our reward is the quality of governance we get today!
Gandhiji found Subhas's ideologies far too leftist and strongly disagreed with Subhas's criticism of village industries and stress on competing with the rest of the world in the Industrial age. Opposition from Sardar Vallabhai Patel, lack of support from Gandhiji and Nehru's indecision marked Subhas's year as the President of the Congress. One of Subhas' major contributions was setting up of a National Planning Committee, for the development of an economic program running parallel to the national movement. Differences between Gandhiji and Subhas led to a crisis when Gandhiji opposed Subhas' idea that the Bengal Government (a coalition between the Krishak Praja Party & Muslim League) be ousted and the Congress take charge in coalition with the Krishak party. The idea was criticized by Gandhiji and Nehru, which resulted in the strengthening of the Muslim League in Bengal and ultimately partition of India. It is obvious today that had Subhas been able to carry out his plans, Bengal would be a different entity on the atlas.
Despite opposition from the Congress brass, Subhas was a favorite amongst the majority as he was re-elected for a second term in March 1939. Gandhiji considered Subhas's victory as his personal defeat and went on a fast to rally the members of the Working Committee to resign. Subhas resigned and Dr. Rajendra Prasad assumed the Presidency of the Congress.
bose was oustered out of the country by a wicked paln played by gandhi and nehru as it would make him the 1st prime miniter
and jinnah the president as unamiosuly decided in the congress meeting in lahore in 1943 december, as nehru wnated his nae to be of the 1st prime minister he foutght with jinnah to which made jinnah demeand for pakistan in 1944 itself. why is it so weird that inaa demd for pakistan and bose's vanishing came together, jinnah and bose were close. also. ina ahd 128 tonnes of gold and 10083 crore ruppes with them when they wnet defunt
it never reacehd the indina goverment, it was divided between mountbatten andhi and nehru . the meony lies in the swiss abcks. indina has about 125 lakh crore dollars in the swiss abnk deposits
if they declare it as national wealth they would get it. but the biggest acoount holders are
m.k.gandhi , j.nehru, m, jinnah , lord mount batten , lalu parsad yadav , and more congress workers
Hi good Work.We as Indians Have every right to know what happned to netaji.I am myself a netaji follower .
My sincere homage to the greatest son of Mother India of all times,Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.A bunch of spineless politicians have always tried,quite successfully, not to unveil the mystery of so called "Death"(!) of this great patriot.But truth will prevail that we strongly believe.Let all of us get united to bring out the truth from gloomy shell of distorted history.Triumph is not far away!
itshigh time that justice is done to the real son of the soil, the real hero of Indian freedom struggle.But you see till some C's are there like,Corrupt-Crook-Cunning-Cowards and Congress present in India it would be difficult for the masses to know the truth as these C's are the present leaders,rulers and architect behind netaji's disappearance.As long as we are able to get rid of power hungry and corrupt politicians the nation can't expect to know the truth behind the disappearance of Netaji Subhash Chander Bose. We can only hope that some leader of integrity rises above the C's and along with him the Truth nothing but the Truth.
Deep Dutta
What a shame to our country. By reading this all. I would like to spit on those rupees note which bear Gandhi name on it. But we youth should do something.
subhash chandra bose give a lot of gift to india now we give gift to subhash ji...........it means devlop our country............
the previous comment is mine. east or west netaji is the best..........
the previous comment is mine. east or west netaji is the best..........
pl focus on honrble subhash chandra bose on his death ...
all indian must ask this subject at any cost
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So in lieu of strolling at a steady pace for say an hour, you'd probably adjust issues up by alternating brief bursts of intense strolling for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower strolling right after each extreme time period. Just continue to keep alternating for 20 minutes to start and include time when you become extra match. You could use interval coaching with all phases of thegreen coffee bean extract to boost your success.
Also after you do any type of exercise it truly is strongly advised that you just drink lots of water ahead of throughout and just after to help keep your body thoroughly hydrated.
So as an alternative to strolling at a constant tempo for say an hour, you'd adjust things up by alternating brief bursts of extreme strolling for say a minute followed by a recovery period with slower walking just after every single extreme time period. Just retain alternating for twenty minutes to begin and add time while you grow to be additional fit. You'll be able
to use interval coaching with all phases of thegreen coffee bean extract to boost your outcomes.
Also once you do any type of exercise it truly is strongly proposed that you just drink tons of water just
before in the course of and immediately after to maintain the body effectively hydrated.
So as opposed to strolling at a constant tempo for say an hour, you'd modify matters up by alternating brief bursts of extreme strolling for say a minute followed by a recovery period with slower walking soon after each extreme time period. Just continue to keep alternating for 20 minutes to start out and include time as you come to be far more fit. You can use interval coaching with all phases with thegreen coffee bean extract to boost your outcomes.
Also once you do any kind of exercise it truly is strongly proposed that you drink tons of water ahead of in the course of and just after to help keep one's
body effectively hydrated.
So as an alternative to walking at a steady pace for say an hour, you'd adjust matters up by alternating brief bursts of intense strolling for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower walking after every single intense period. Just maintain alternating for 20 minutes to begin and include time as you come to be more match. You could use interval teaching with all phases on thegreen coffee bean extract to enhance your results.
Also whenever you do any form of exercise it truly is strongly recommended you drink lots of water before through and immediately after to help keep your body properly hydrated.
So as opposed to walking at a constant speed for say an hour, you'll change items up by alternating quick bursts of intense strolling for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower walking just after every single extreme period. Just preserve alternating for twenty minutes to start and add time when you become more fit. You could use interval instruction with all phases on thegreen coffee bean extract to enhance your benefits.
Also whenever you do any kind of work out it really is strongly advisable that you drink plenty of water ahead of all through and following to keep your body adequately hydrated.
So in lieu of strolling at a continuous pace
for say an hour, you'd probably modify points up by alternating brief bursts of extreme walking for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower walking soon after just about every extreme period. Just hold alternating for 20 minutes to start and include time while you become additional match. It is possible to use interval coaching with all phases of your green coffee bean extract to boost your outcomes.
Also when you do any form of exercise it can be strongly proposed that you simply drink tons of water before in the course of and following to keep your system thoroughly hydrated.
So in lieu of strolling at a constant speed for say an hour, you'd change matters up by alternating short bursts of extreme strolling for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower strolling right after every intense time period. Just hold alternating for twenty minutes to start and add time while you turn into extra match. It is possible to use interval teaching with all phases with thegreen coffee bean extract to boost your effects.
Also once you do any form of workout it's strongly encouraged which you drink plenty of
water ahead of for the duration of and following to maintain one's body properly hydrated.
So in place of strolling at a constant tempo for say an hour, you'd probably change issues up by alternating brief bursts of extreme walking for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower strolling after each and every extreme period. Just continue to keep alternating for twenty minutes to start out and add time while you come to be far more fit. You are able to use interval education with all phases in thegreen coffee bean extract to boost your effects.
Also after you do any kind of training it can be strongly advisable which you drink tons of water just before through and soon after to help keep one's body adequately hydrated.
So as an alternative to walking at a steady pace for
say an hour, you would modify things up by alternating quick
bursts of intense walking for say a minute followed by a recovery time period with slower strolling right after just about
every extreme time period. Just continue to keep alternating for 20
minutes to start out and include time while you grow to be additional fit.
You may use interval instruction with all phases in thegreen coffee bean extract to
enhance your final results.
Also any time you do any type of exercise it is actually strongly encouraged you drink lots
of water in advance of all through and just after to
maintain your whole body properly hydrated.
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